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Cores and Shields

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Enhancing and Protecting Current Sensors

Two of the most important components of a current sensor are the core and shield used to concentrate magnetic flux and protect the sensor from external magnetic fields. CTS provides both in various sizes and materials along with add-on features to make installation easy.


Current Sensor Components

When developing a current sensor, it is important to consider the choice of components that will work within the sensor. Dimensions, laminations, shapes, and materials can make or break the strength of the sensor when it comes to the design.


The core, also known as the concentrator, is a crucial component of a current sensor that channels the magnetic flux generated by the electric current. At the center of the core is an air gap, where a sensor—typically a Hall sensor—is positioned to detect the magnetic field precisely.

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A shield protects the core from interference by physically blocking the external magnetic flux. Being that a core is a crucial part of the system, it would be undesirable to have the system data interfered by external magnetic frequencies. 

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  • Designed for high-speed contactless current sensing
  • Designed for high linearity and low hysteresis
  • Optional laminated core
  • Many shapes and sizes
  • Soft ferromagnetic materials
  • Protects the sensor from parasitic magnetic fields caused by nearby magnetic field sources


  • Designed for high-speed contactless current sensing
  • Designed for high linearity and low hysteresis
  • Soft ferromagnetic materials
  • Enhances sensitivity and signal-to-offset ratio of the sensor 
  • Protects the sensor from parasitic magnetic fields caused by nearby magnetic field sources
  • Many Shapes and Sizes
  • Mounting with pins, SMD, screw, or crimping assemblies
  • Laminated and amorphous shields


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