Our advanced piezoelectric ceramic materials are used in a variety of medical ultrasound and imaging equipment. This technology enables less invasive health diagnostics leading to short recovery and minimal scarring.
Medical Products
As the demand for electric vehicles continues to increase, manufacturers are challenged with designing vehicles that maintain performance expectations with as minimal a footprint as possible. We collaborate directly with OEMs to provide pedals and sensors that drive innovation in electric vehicles and improve performance.
Electric Vehicle Products
The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a cornerstone of connecting live information, control mediums, and hubs to wireless devices. CTS crystal solutions minimize current consumption and provide key components for GPS receiver applications in a variety of industries.
Communication Products
Today, it is recognized there is a critical importance of minimizing manufacturing environmental footprints. CTS supports this while maximizing operational efficiency through multiple product lines such as our crystals, piezoelectric ceramics, and position sensors. Through the integration of industrial-grade technologies, we are helping revolutionize the way society, manages, and distributes goods, driving sustainable practices throughout their operations.
Industrial Products