The contents of CTS sub-brand websites www.noliac.com and www.ferropermpiezoceramics.com have now been completely transferred to www.ctscorp.com. Visitors who navigate the two sub-brand sites, will frequently find themselves redirected to corresponding pages on www.ctscorp.com.
The Noliac and Ferroperm websites will remain live and accessible for the remainder of 2025, but all content on their sub-pages have been moved and can now be accessed on www.ctscorp.com.
Product Inquiries
Customers likely recognize the Noliac and Ferroperm brands for their high-quality piezoelectric ceramic materials and components. These products have been fully incorporated into the CTS product portfolio and can be viewed on the dedicated piezoelectricity pages on www.ctscorp.com.
For inquiries about our piezoelectric product solutions, including those that originate from Noliac and Ferroperm, please use the contact formular on www.ctscorp.com as well.
Contact Formular
On 1st May, 2024, Noliac (also known as 'CTS Ceramics Denmark') and Ferroperm Piezoceramics merged under the name 'CTS Denmark' as a part of CTS' consolidation of its ceramic operations in Denmark. For more information on individual CTS sub-brands, please visit our dedicated brand webpage.
CTS Brands