CTS develops and manufactures high-end radio frequency (RF) filters used by various technologies to block out or filter certain signal frequencies. In 1982, CTS invented the ceramic monoblock, and ever since, our ceramic RF filters have been setting the industry standard in terms of lowest insertion loss, attentuation/rejection/isolation, Q-factor, size, power handling and transition slope. Our portfolio includes band-pass filters, low-pass filters, diplexers and duplexers.
We also created the ClearPlex® RF filter based on our proprietary ceramic waveguide technology which enables higher power handling, nearly twice the Q-factor and excellent passive intermodulation (PIM) performance. Our filter solutions are utilized in countless wireless infrastructure applications such as DAS, small cells, RRH, repeaters, and macro base stations, as well as in specialized mobile user equipment, intelligent vehicles, military communication, and satellite and space applications.
RF Filter Product Families