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Single Crystal Material Properties

Two CTS single crystal products on white background

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As the world's largest, fully integrated developer and manufacturer of piezoelectric single crystals, CTS has perfected several material formulations, based on lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate (PMN-PT and PIN-PMN-PT). These materials constitute the pinnacle of piezoelectric elements, achieving unmatched performance and energy conversion. Capable of high-volume manufacture, CTS' single crystal facility utilizes proprietary manufacturing processes to produce the best possible single crystal products for our customers across the globe in markets such as medical ultrasound, underwater acoustics and defense and aerospace.

Our in-house capabilities include:

  • Crystal Growth
  • Chemical Batch Purification
  • Platinium Crucible Manufacturing
  • Crystal Orientation
  • Slicing, Grinding, Lapping and Polishing
  • Reactive Ionized Etching (RIE)
  • Plasma Magnetron Sputtering for Coding Electrode
  • IEEE Standard Electrical Testing

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  • Single Crystal Material Features
  • Technical Resources

CTS piezoelectric Single Crystal Components

  • PMN-PT and PIN-PMN-PT Compositions Available
  • Increased Bandwidth for Higher Imaging Resolution
  • Unparalleled Piezoelectric Activity
  • Reduced Transducer Size Thanks to Higher Energy Conversion
  • Wide Range of Customization Options
  • Triple Actuator Displacement Compared to PZT
  • Single Crystal Exclusive Vibration Modes
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CTS Piezo Line Product Catalogue

Brochures / Catalogs

Thumbnail image of front page of piezoelectric ultrasound explanatory article

How Is the Piezoelectric Effect Used to Generate Ultrasound?

This guide explains how piezoelectricity is used to create ultrasound, and how ultrasound is used in various applications.

Application Notes / Tech Briefs, Guides / Tools

Thumbnail image of application note about piezoelectric transducers for IVUS

How Piezoelectric Transducers Enable Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS)

Piezoelectric transducers are instrumental in enabling intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). Combined and mounted on a catheter probe, piezoelectric transducers can generate ultrasound to scan the inside of blood vessels, helping to diagnose e.g., coronary artery diseases.

Application Notes / Tech Briefs

CTS Single Crystals for Next-Gen Underwater Sonar Transducers - Whitepaper

Abstracts / White Papers, Application Notes / Tech Briefs


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Piezo Coefficient d33


Relative Dielectric Constant


Transition Temperature

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CTS can help decide on material properties to deliver products that meet the unique requirements of your project. Work with a technical expert to begin your design today.

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