This specification describes the basic performance requirements of CTS Filtered Terminal Blocks.
- Measurement Conditions: Capacitance measured at 25°± 2°C, 50% max R.H. and Frequency of 1 KHz @ 1± 0.2VRMS.
Insertion Loss
- Measurement Conditions: Insertion Loss values listed are measured in a 50Ω system at 25°C± 2°C under no-load conditions.
- Insertion Loss: The listed Insertion Loss values are typical for 500 and 600 styles under indicated conditions.
- Listed Insertion Loss data is a measurement of filter performance in a matched 50Ω system. It is highly recommended that filter performance be verified under actual circuit operation conditions.
Operating Conditions
Filters are designed to operate continuously at the voltage and current stated for each TUSONIX part number. If the operating ambient temperature is significantly higher than 25°C, the terminal blocks should be installed in equipment and tested under actual conditions to ensure that maximum temperatures are not exceeded.
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage
Filters shall withstand the specified voltage applied between the screw terminal and ground plane for one minute. Surge current shall be limited to a maximum of 50mA.
Insulation Resistance
Measured at 25°C± 2°C with 100VDC and charging current limited to 50mA max. the IR, after two minutes, maximum applications of the test voltage, shall be a minimum of 10,000 Megohms.
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